Saturday, April 5, 2014

Because It Is Time.

Hello dear, beloved Reader!

Welcome. Welcome.

I have made many failed attempts to start a blog. However, this time I have a feeling that I am going to keep up with it. Why? Because it is time.

I do not really know how to start this thing. I am just going to write. Stream of consciousness, anyone? I am Zehra. I am just about to finish school. Its 12.17 am. The fan above my head is making that pleasant humming sound.

I hope to make you laugh, make you think through my writings. I will try very hard to sound clever and insightful and deep. I will rant sometimes. Else, I'll just post pretty pictures of pretty things. Some of my attempts may ring hollow. Some may fail spectacularly. But I promise you, there will be stuff you will like.

Au revoir, mon ami.

We shall meet again soon.

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